
Sentra 87

The perils of owning a classic misfit.



Chapter End

Things turned against me rather quickly on this last issue and has put me in a completely different path for the Sentra. The car still moves, but under close inspection, the rust problem is vastly more serious than what I... Continue Reading →


So the tie rod / alignment issue was perplexing me because the car acted as if they had failed but everything was still tight. So last night I went for a short drive and the car was acting completely different... Continue Reading →


After getting the alignment done on the front of the car I thought that was going to be the end of things for a while but of course it doesn't end up that way. Quite soon after driving it I... Continue Reading →

Rubbing Parts

Although I love this car, I have found that when my backup vehicle is down I get scared. Despite all of the updates and repairs I have made, I still don't quite trust it to get me everywhere I want... Continue Reading →

Down Again

The transmission is slowly wearing on me. I still cannot figure out why there is oil seeping out of it and I am contemplating coating the bottom third with bed-liner just to make it stop. But seriously, I did coat... Continue Reading →

Concrete Crawl

The time finally came this past weekend to take the car for a ride down to my friend's shop and start the process of changing the transmission. The drive was nice and I didn't experience a lot of traffic issues... Continue Reading →

Dragging It

Life with the Sentra has been quiet since the transmission started to slip out of fifth gear but that wasn't the only issue. I have always been a little worried about the clutch failing on me since I don't know... Continue Reading →

Crushing It

I recently took the car in to get an oil change from the mechanic that has done most of the heavy work on this car and he asked me something that I was kind of taken aback about. He said... Continue Reading →

Round and Round

After doing some digging and checking with someone on a forum, I found out that the distributor rotor for the car that actually fits properly. The problem stems from the issue with the car being one of the very first... Continue Reading →

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